Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
-Matthew 28:19
Fact: There are tribal people in the Amazonia jungles who have never heard the gospel.
Fact: There are people living in downtown Owensboro who have never heard the gospel.
Fact: There are people living in downtown Owensboro who have never heard the gospel.
So, if God loves both groups (which He does) and is desperate to get the gospel message to both groups (which He is), where should we focus our attention? The answer lies in how we’ve been trained to respond to the Great Commission. If we’ve not been taught God’s heart for the lost and His expectations for Christ-followers to build His Kingdom, we’ll end up focusing on neither. Every Christ-follower should be mission-minded (always keeping the Great Commission on the forefront of their minds.) Whether it’s local or abroad, the responsibility falls to us to meet the LORD’s expectation for us to pray, financially support and take the gospel wherever He leads.